Tamguchi – Installation by Ofer Bilik and Jakub Szczęsny in frame of Bat Yam Landscape Architecture Biennial 2010


Ofer Bilik ( www.eifodana.org)
Jakub Szczęsny

with participation of Polish Institute in TelAviv

Project description: Tamaguchi Park relates to Tamagotchi, a toy from mid-90 of XXth century, the first one to address the question of educating children on care and responsability through direct feedback from an artificial pet „fed” and”caressed” by its young owner. We wanted to create the analogic relationship between the caring user and an artificially created landscape on a sandy slope facing the beach in BatYam. The intervention is therefore composed out of two physical elements; the water producing installation,  the „park” and an accompanying educational program for kids from local schools. The shortage of water is one of basic political issues in Israel, a country oriented towards the land but almost entirely ignoring the potential of the sea, thus with one exeption which is the one of largest desalination plants in the world. Since year 2008 watering of private gardens in Israel was forbidden, aswell as limits of water for municipal gardening. Our aim was to directly link the individual and group action with the effect, so the users of our installation wouldn’t deal with another statally given good independant from their will and responsability.

Project facts: To provide a constant motivation more convincing than ” just watering flowers” the installation has a playful character of a see-saw pumping water from a dwell to a 5 metres high water tower out of which water can burst on sides if pumped with enough force. The real effect of pumping is thus less bombastic: after being pumped to water tower it circulates to sixteen desalination cones dispersed on the slope, out of which, after being evaporated on cone’s inner surfaces it goes to the ground watering the surrounding plants. The chosen species range from Australian to local plants, thus the preferred are the ones with large root systems serving as stabilizer of the dunes. School workshops were organized by local municipality in order to instruct children on the way of using the installation relating to wider knowldege on environmental issues. Out of about two thousand children taking part in the program, a group of 20 was chosen to become new instructors in the future, named Young Urban Achievers.The installation is ment to become a regular part of city infrastructure, therfore we have designed a logo and an instruction billboard to make it look more institutional and to make it blend more with the landscape.